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Digital Detox for Mothers

Life Is Happening Off the Screen; Don’t Miss It

Detox for the Month of October


3 online gatherings (irony noted) on Sundays: 10 am PST/1 pm EST
Sundays: Sept 22, Oct 13 & 27

* 1hr gatherings, except first meeting on Sept 22  is 1.5 hrs


Additional support included: 30 min individual coaching call + office hours


Cost: $130 (sliding scale available as needed)


*Aunties, Grandmas & Mothering Beings of All Kinds Welcome





The kids are finally asleep ….. Freedom! You’re exhausted from your day. You know what you truly need is something that feels nourishing and restful.  Instead, you find yourself caught in a scrolling vortex. Just 10 minutes, you tell yourself, but you stay up much later than planned. And when you finally peel yourself off your phone, you feel pretty icky, to say the least, and promise yourself you won’t do this again tomorrow. But most nights, it’s the same unfortunate scene on replay.


Or, perhaps it’s the 2-minute Instagram check throughout the day (or your equivalent) to get your fix of connection, stimulation, or just a break. The incessant checking leaves you feeling disconnected from yourself and more involved in social comparison than in the life before you.

Whatever your version of unhealthy screen usage, you feel the toll it takes on you, but perhaps you feel powerless to create a healthier relationship with your device. One where you still receive the benefits and convenience of modern technology without the heavy toll on your well-being.


Time and attention are among our most precious resources. However, our unchecked screen usage squanders both. The compulsive use of our devices isn’t a personal flaw; rather, it is by design:


People don’t succumb to screens because they’re lazy, but instead because billions of dollars have been invested to make this outcome inevitable.

Cal Newport, Digital Minimalism


Join me in a supportive 30-day Digital Detox to take an intentional break from all optional technology in your life and cultivate the habits and practices that will meet the deeper needs your screen use has been masking.


Together, we will:

  1. Design your personalized Digital Detox  that gives you a tech breather but still allows you to meet the digital responsibilities of your personal and professional life.
  2. During the detox, you will intentionally explore and experiment with meaningful and fulfilling activities, including reinvigorating your relationship with yourself and your loved ones in real-time.
  3. At the end of 30 days, reintroduce technology through the lens of digital minimalism. Only reintroducing tech that serves something you deeply value with clear operating procedures (how and when you use it).


Throughout the process, you will be supported to meet what arises when you remove some of your biggest distractions and numbing agents. Embarking on this courageous journey with other Moms will strengthen your commitment, deepen your experience, and provide additional layers of support.



Recommended reading:


Digital Minimalism By Cal Newport


How to Break up with Your Phone by Catherine Price (faster read)


*not necessary to read before the group starts, but a supportive and motivating read. During the digital detox, you may find yourself with much more time to read books.

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